HOWTO: Add multiple Document Libraries to the Zetadocs Archiving service. ZTN4353 - HOWTO: Add multiple Document Libraries to the Zetadocs Archiving service.
PRB: Unable to import Fax Broadcast recipients with 64-bit Excel ZTN2061 - PRB: Unable to import Fax Broadcast recipients with 64-bit Excel
FIX: Delay when using Zetadocs with SharePoint 2013 on premise ZTN4343 - FIX: Delay when using Zetadocs with SharePoint 2013 on premise
FIX: Archiving to SharePoint Online gives error 'File already exists' when archiving to an existing folder ZTN4326 - FIX: Archiving to SharePoint Online gives error 'File already exists' when archiving to an existing folder
FIX: FaxBroadcast feature not visible in Zetafax Client installer ZTN2060 - FIX: FaxBroadcast feature not visible in Zetafax Client installer
PRB: Script Error on opening NAV2013R2 page in Web Client with IE 10 Browser ZTN4348 - PRB: Script Error on opening NAV2013R2 page in Web Client with IE 10 Browser
PRB: Failed to upload document in NAV2013R2 Web Client using Android version of Chrome in Nexus 7 ZTN4349 - PRB: Failed to upload document in NAV2013R2 Web Client using Android version of Chrome in Nexus 7
PRB: 'Loading print job' message is displayed continuously in Zetadocs Client when upgrading ZTN4350 - PRB: 'Loading print job' message is displayed continuously in Zetadocs Client when upgrading
HOWTO: Increase the file size limit of the Web Document Factbox ZTN4347 - HOWTO: Increase the file size limit of the Web Document Factbox