PRB: Mapiexp.exe fails on Exchange 2003 Server ZTN1366 - PRB: Mapiexp.exe fails on Exchange 2003 Server
PRB: Server Application Unavailable error when user accesses the Web client ZTN1289 - PRB: Server Application Unavailable error when user accesses the Web client
FIX: € (Euro) character is replaced by an invalid character on coversheets ZTN1247 - FIX: € (Euro) character is replaced by an invalid character on coversheets
PRB: Zetafax fails to install on Windows 2003 ZTN1251 - PRB: Zetafax fails to install on Windows 2003
PRB: Zetafax client fails to scan image using Acquire function ZTN1252 - PRB: Zetafax client fails to scan image using Acquire function
PRB: 1155 INSTMSIW.EXE file not found error when installing the Zetafax web client. ZTN1248 - PRB: 1155 INSTMSIW.EXE file not found error when installing the Zetafax web client.
PRB: Server Application Unavailable error when Web client is installed on a Domain Controller ZTN1250 - PRB: Server Application Unavailable error when Web client is installed on a Domain Controller
PRB: QuickTime prevents the Zetafax Web Client displaying faxes ZTN1249 - PRB: QuickTime prevents the Zetafax Web Client displaying faxes
FIX: Zetafax Release notes - Version ZTN1245 - FIX: Zetafax Release notes - Version
INFO: Sequence of modem initialisation parameters ZTN1317 - INFO: Sequence of modem initialisation parameters