Track and recharge project expenses

Capture expenses against projects

& tasks in Business Central

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Maximize project profitability

Track and recharge travel & entertainment expenses with ease, to help keep project costs within budget and maximize the profitability of projects that are being delivered to clients.

More control

More control

Visibility of staff expenses within Business Central, for both finance teams and project managers, enabling better tracking of project costs against budget and increased project profitability.

Greater accuracy

Greater accuracy

Auto-sync of Business Central projects & tasks with Zetadocs Expenses, that staff can easily select when submitting their project related expenses – no typos or manual data entry.

Simplicity & convenience

Simplicity & convenience

Easy & quick to submit project expenses using a phone app, which once approved are then visible within Business Central.

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Track & recharge expenses in half the time

Simplify the management of project expenses.

Save time

No manual data entry required to allocate expenses against Business Central projects & tasks, with much of the pain that comes with manually recording expense costs against projects taken away from finance teams.


Approved expenses visible in Business Central on a purchase invoice or ledger line with the relevant project & task information included – once posted, the relevant project card is updated too.

Designed for Business Central

Automatic synchronization of Business Central projects & tasks with Zetadocs Expenses, with no need for finance teams to maintain a separate data set.


Available on Microsoft AppSource

You can get the Zetadocs Expenses extension for Business Central from Microsoft AppSource here

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Why finance teams need to implement an expense management solution

Read our whitepaper about the benefits an expense management solution offers to a finance team

This whitepaper explores the benefits of implementing a digital expense management solution rather than relying on traditional expense management processes. We focus primarily on the benefits that digital expense management offers to finance teams using Business Central.

Equisys Logo, Document Management and Expense Management for Business Central

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