The Hidden Costs of Greater Efficiency Greg Cole / Tuesday, July 19, 2011 The drive for greater efficiency and cost savings is relentless as companies continue to face the competitive pressure of ever more crowded markets. Business software is rightly credited with offering those benefits. But new efficiencies often come with a hidden price-tag. Why? Because many software applications require users to undergo lengthy training, sometimes last several days and then take time to become fully operational. In other cases, a new software system or application may ... Read more
Simple. Smart. Fast. Is It Enough? Chris Oswald / Friday, July 8, 2011 Google any business software and you’ll find pages of vendors talking about what their products can do. There’ll be a list of features a mile long. But look for the quantifiable business benefits of the software and it’s harder to find something meaningful. What this means is that savvy IT Managers who ... Read more
Why fax isn't going away anytime soon Blog author (PC) / Monday, July 4, 2011 How faxing is still a valid, smart and possibly indispensible communications tool. I do a lot of travelling to trade shows, clients and partners so am always meeting new contacts and picking up business cards. The other day I decided to have a check through my mountain of business cards (now that all the details ... Read more