HOWTO: Enabling 'Print to Fax' with published applications in Windows 2000/2003 terminal services
ID: ZTN1149
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 8
- Zetafax Update Zfprninst_800109.EXE
- Windows 2000 and 2003 server including the Citrix Metaframe XP/e add-ons
This document is intended for system administrators who want users to be able to print documents to the Zetafax printer from a published application in an application server environment.
This technical note applies to Zetafax version 8 with the Zetafax client and printer installation update - Version If you require this update please download it from the equisys website using the following link:
Previous versions of Zetafax do not fully support printing to the Zetafax printer from a published application.
Note: Equisys do not support the Zetafax server, email gateway installations or Outlook extensions when installed directly on the terminal server, but rather on a separate computer accessible via a network share.
More information
To configure the Zetafax client with a Published application Administrators need to carry out the following steps.
- Install the Zetafax client on the Terminal server system.
- Copy the Zetafax print daemon program (ZFDAEMON.EXE) to a local drive on the Terminal server system.
- Publish the Zetafax print daemon program, as a Published application which then runs the desired application.
When running this solution the Published application session will remain open as long as there is a program running within it. If the program is closed the Zfdaemon program terminates itself shutting the session down automatically.
To configure a Published application to use the Zetafax printer, work though the following steps:
Note: This installation process must be done on the terminal server itself and NOT via a terminal server session.
- Logon onto the terminal server system as an administrator and run the Zetafax client installation by running zfax\system\WKSETUP.EXE (Where ' zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax files are installed). You will be prompted with the following dialog box.

- The default option "Install client - standard settings" should be selected then click OK. The WKSETP.EXE program will detect that this is a terminal server install and prompt you to specify if this installation applies to all users, Click 'Yes'.

- Next the setup program will prompt you to confirm the location of the Zetafax files on the Zetafax server. Click OK to continue.

- Next the setup program will prompt you confirm the location you wish to install the Zetafax client program files. The default location is the "\Program Files\Zetafax" folder in the system drive. Click OK to continue.

- The setup program will start the installation process and prompt you to confirm that the Print spooler is about to be stopped to install the Zetafax printer. Click OK to continue.

- In a terminal server installation WKSETP.EXE will add a shortcut in the "Document and Settings\All Users\Program Files\Startup" folder to the Zetafax daemon program.
- After the installation has completed click "OK" to quit from the Zetafax installation program.
Zetafax is now set up so that users can print to the Zetafax printer in a terminal server desktop session. If you need to setup a published application, work through these additional steps.
Note: For the purposes of this technical note we are working through configuring a Citrix Metaframe XP published application. The same method can be applied to windows 2000/2003 terminal services using the "Environment" tab in Active Directory Users and Computers.
- On the terminal server system create a folder which all users have access to. e.g. M:\Zetafax. Where M:\ is the system drive.
- Browse to the zfax\system\I386 folder and copy the ZfDAEMON.EXE program to the folder you have just created. (As below).

- Run the Citrix Management Console, Right click 'Applications' and select 'Publish Application'
- Enter a display name, and description then click Next. (As below)

- When prompted to specify the application to be published, enter the path to the ZFDAEMON.EXE followed by a -P then the path to the application you wish to publish, as below.
M:\Zetafax\ZfDaemon.exe -P"M:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"
Note: There is no space between the -P and the path to the application, also You need to use the " " marks when the path to the program executable contains spaces.

- Specify the working directory then click Next. Continue the setup procedure as normal.

- Now when users are running a published application, they will be able to go to file print, select the Zetafax printer and print. The Zetafax client will automatically start up within the terminal session. and present them with the Zetafax Addressing dialog box.
Last updated: 2 May 2003 (SV/GC)