HOWTO: Configuring Zetafax 6.01 on an Application server
ID: ZTN1053
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 6.01 to Zetafax 9.0
- Citrix WinFrame 1.8
- Microsoft Terminal server 4.0 (including the Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 add-on)
Customers who wish to deploy the Zetafax server in an application server environment should configure Zetafax in the following manner.
In general we recommend that the Zetafax server is not run on an application server computer, but rather on a separate computer accessible via a network share. In particular, the e-mail gateway is not supported if the Zetafax server is installed on the following OS's.
- Citrix WinFrame (NT 3.51)
- Microsoft NT 4.0 Terminal Server edition (with or without the MetaFrame add-on)
This document gives details of two different ways of configuring Zetafax for use in a thin-client environment.
More information
The Zetafax client may then be deployed in two scenarios detailed below to support a mix of 'thin' and 'rich' clients.
Scenario One (Zetafax client and application run in the terminal session)
- Log on to the Application server as the Network Administrator and run zfax\SYSTEM\WKSETUP.EXE, where 'zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax server files are installed.
- Select 'Install client - standard setting' and click OK. Confirm the path to the source files and default target path by clicking OK.
- You will now be presented with the Terminal Server services dialog box.

- Check the 'Enable Terminal Server (Server side) functionality' box, and specify the drive to be used for mapping each user to their Zetafax user area (Confirm that the drive letter selected is free for all users of the Application server).
- The Zetafax FaxMerge printer and Zetafax program group will now be installed and available to all users that have Zetafax accounts.
- Start a 'thin' client and log on to the Application server as a user who you have created a Zetafax account for.
- Launch the Zetafax client from Start> Programs> Zetafax in the terminal window, and the application you wish to 'print to fax' from. Print to the Zetafax FaxMerge printer, the addressing dialog will pop up as soon as spooling has completed, address the fax, confirm the options and send.
Note: Ensure the Zetafax client is running before printing, as it will not auto-launch when printing from the application to the Zetafax FaxMerge printer. It may be useful to put ZETAFAX.EXE into each users logon script.
Scenario Two (Zetafax client run on the 'rich' client and application run in the terminal session)
- Log on to the 'rich' client as the Network Administrator and run zfax\SYSTEM\WKSETUP.EXE.
- Select 'Install client - standard setting' and click OK. Confirm the path to the source files and default target path by clicking OK.
- The Zetafax printer, FaxMerge printer and Zetafax program group will now be installed on the 'rich' client. Up to this point the Zetafax client will only look for output on the local drive (c:\temp by default). To enable the client to pick up output from an application running in a terminal window follow the next steps.
- Launch the Workstation setup from Start> Programs> Zetafax on the local computer and select 'Edit configuration - advanced settings after installation' and click OK on each dialog to confirm options until the Terminal Server services dialog box appears.

- Check the 'Enable Terminal Server (Client side) functionality' box and click OK twice to accept the default spool path.
- Launch the Zetafax client from Start> Programs> Zetafax on the 'thin' client and open a terminal session and launch the application you wish to 'print to fax' from. Print to the Zetafax FaxMerge printer, the addressing dialog will pop up on the local Zetafax client as soon as spooling has completed, address the fax, confirm the options and send.
Note: Ensure the Zetafax client is running before printing, as it will not auto-launch when printing from the application to the Zetafax FaxMerge printer. It may be useful to put ZETAFAX.EXE into each users logon script.
For additional information on Zetafax in an application server environment, please see the following Zetafax technical notes:
ZTN1002-HOWTO: Creating letterheads and attachments with application servers
ZTN1020-INFO: Zetafax printer not supported on an application server.
ZTN1041-HOWTO: Configuring Zetafax (pre 6.01) with MS Terminal server.
ZTN1024-HOWTO: Configuring Zetafax (pre 6.01) with Citrix WinFrame.
ZTN1131-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 7 with Windows 2000 terminal services.
ZTN1132-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 7 with Windows 2000 terminal services (mixed mode).
Last updated: 9 November 2005 (BM/EB)
First Published: 27 April 2001 (GC/DH)