Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

PRB: Zetalink fails to send alerts if the Event service is stopped



ID: ZTN2009

This Zetalink technical note applies to:

  • Zetalink version 1.0


When a message is received in your Exchange Inbox that should trigger a Zetalink alert rule you have configured, you do not receive the SMS or Fax alerts. No errors are reported in the Zetalink Activity log as to why this is happening.


Zetalink Exchange components rely on the Microsoft Exchange Event service to trigger events in Exchange mailboxes. The Event service needs to be running so that Zetalink can communicate with the Exchange server. On some systems the Microsoft Exchange Event service is not started by default and is set to start up type 'Manual'. This can result in Zetalink alerts failing after the Exchange server system has been restarted.


Log onto the Exchange server system as a user with administrative rights.

Run the services snap-in from Control panel to display the list of services currently installed on the system. Find the 'Microsoft Exchange Event' service set it's 'Startup Type' to automatic and start it.


This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.


ZTN2001- HOWTO: Prepare Microsoft Exchange prior to installing Zetalink

Last updated: 15 November 2001 (SV/DH)

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