PRB: Cannot print multiple copies from Zetafax client
ID: ZTN1839
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
When printing faxes from the Zetafax client, only a single copy can be sent to the printer in a single print job.
More information
When printing a fax from the Zetafax client the common print dialog is presented to the user which offers the user the standard Windows printing options. Upon selecting multiple copies from this dialog, only one copy is sent to the printer.
If you require to print multiple copies from your Zetafax inbox/outbox, we recommend using a 3rd party TIFF viewer, as the option to print multiple copies of the same document in a single print job is not available within the default Zetafax viewer.
To change your fax viewer please select Options > Annotation from your Zetafax client.

Please set the Viewer to “other” followed by using the browse button “…” to select your fax viewer.
Please note: “.g3f” files are in group-3 TIFF image format. TIFF itself is an image standard, that has many variations on the encoding methods. Some TIFF viewers do not fully support multi-page group-3 TIFF images, only allowing you to view the first page, or incorrect images.
Last updated: 28 March 2011 (AF/MW)