HOWTO: Installing Zetafax on a notebook
ID: ZTN1026
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
Zetafax offers the option to install a copy of the Zetafax server programs onto a notebook computer, this enables a single 'NOTEBOOK' user to send and receive faxes while away from the office.
When the notebook user is offline and launches the Zetafax client it automatically detects whether the notebook can connect to the network fax server, if not, a version of the fax server will start up locally, utilizing the fax modem in the notebook.
More information
This document gives an overview and step-by-step guide to installing the Notebook version of Zetafax 6 or later. It assumes that the Zetafax Serve has been installed on the network and that the client machine has a network connection to the server.
The installation process requires the Zetafax server install program from the CD Rom, and the user must have an account setup on the Zetafax server. It is recommended that the person who installs the notebook installation is familiar with the Zetafax server and Zetafax installation program.
The Notebook installation is a single user version of the system licence for remote users to allow them to send and receive via the Zetafax client and a local fax modem device. There is also functionality to remotely use the coversheets, letterheads, user folder and archive directories.
Local server install
- Ensure the notebook is connected to the network and is able to connect to \\network_fax_server\zfax where 'zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax server files are installed.
- Put the Zetafax CD Rom into the CD drive of the notebook. Follow the instructions on screen to install Zetafax.
- You will be presented with a Welcome screen with three options.
- Full server installation.
- Upgrade selected files.
- Install local (Notebook) server.
- Select 'Install local (Notebook) server' and click next to continue.

- Choose the path to install the server and workstation program when prompted. This must be on the local drive, as installing the server on a network drive will not be available off line from the network.
- After the files have been copied you will be prompted if you would like to connect to the network fax server. By clicking 'Yes' you enable the Zetafax client to use both the local fax server and the network one.

- Follow the rest of the instructions on screen to continue. The setup program will import the licence and contact information from the network server. The licence details can be modified or checked if required otherwise proceed with the install. You may wish to send another registration fax to confirm the system is correctly configured with the notebook fax modem and is able to send faxes.

Notebook user setup
The notebook installation is a single user system with a user account called NOTEBOOK. This client then uses the network login ID to connect to the local server.

Notebook user licensing
Zetafax starter systems are licensed for a fixed number of users with a single Zetafax server, and allow you to create that number of user accounts on the server. In addition, any of those users are allowed to run a standalone copy of the Zetafax server on a notebook computer which is sometimes connected to the network, provided their network account is not being used by anyone else at the time.
Last updated 11 May 2000 (GC/GW)