HOWTO: Configure Lotus Domino 6 with Zetafax 8
ID: ZTN1258
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 8
- Lotus Domino 6 and Lotus Domino 6.5
Lotus Domino/Notes version 6 is supported in Zetafax Version 8. This technical note gives step-by-step instructions for configuring Lotus Domino/Notes 6 with the Zetafax e-mail gateway. It assumes that a Zetafax server and Lotus Domino Server have been installed and are running on your network. These two do not need to be on the same machine.
To install the Zetafax e-mail gateway for Lotus Notes you will need to follow the steps below, which are described in further detail later in this section.
- Create a Lotus Notes user, Mail router mailbox, and a Foreign Domain.
- Install a full Lotus Notes client on the Zetafax Server PC.
- Install the e-mail gateway software on the Zetafax Server PC.
- Set up the e-mail gateway using the Zetafax configuration program, register the e-mail system, and test the connection to the Lotus Notes server.
- Install the Mail Rendering Printer driver and any rendering applications.
- Configure Zetafax users to use the e-mail gateway.
- Install the Zetafax Options.
Upgrading to Notes 6 or 6.5
If you update to Domino 6/6.5 and Notes 6/6.5 on a system which already has a fully functional Zetafax Email Gateway you will need to reinstall the Zetafax Options. Simply skip the first few sections of this technical note to follow the instructions for the Zetafax Options. The other parts of the Zetafax Email Gateway installation should not be affected. Note that when you do your Domino Server update, if you chose not to update your templates and databases then the Zetafax Options should not be affected by the upgrade.
Configuring Lotus Domino
Open the Domino Administrator. Open the 'People & Groups' tab.
- In the Tools list on the right-hand side, click People then on Register as below;

Note: If prompted enter the Certifier password and click OK on the warning messages about recovery information.
- When the Register Person dialog box appears, check the 'Advanced' checkbox in the lower-middle left.
- On the 'Basics' tab, assign a username to the Zetafax Mail Gateway user, such as "Zetafax Gateway"as below;

Note: We recommend that no password be specified for this user. If you give the user a password, the Zetafax Server will prompt you for this password every time it starts, and when you run the Zetafax Configuration. To set blank passwords click the 'Password Options.' button and set the 'Password Quality Scale' to 'Weak Password is optional (0)'.
- On the 'Mail' tab, ensure that the Mail system is set to Lotus Notes and you have selected the appropriate Mail Server.

- On the 'ID Info' tab, under the Location for storing user ID section uncheck 'In Domino Directory' and check 'In file' instead. Make a note of the path where the user's ID file will be saved.

- Click on the green tick to add the created user, and then click on 'Register'. This will save the user's details to the Domino server database. You should receive a 'Person registered successfully!' message.
Creating a router mailbox
The next stage is to create a mail router mailbox database. The router mailbox acts as a database to hold mail in transit to the Zetafax Server. We will use a standard Lotus Notes template to create the router mailbox.
- In the Domino Administrator's menu, select File|Database|New. In the resulting dialog, select the Domino server and enter a title for the new database such as Routing for Zetafax, and the filename FAX.NSF.
- Make sure 'Show Advanced Templates' is ticked, and then select 'Mail Router Mailbox (R6)' as the template for the database.

- Click the 'OK' button to create the database.
Specifying access rights
The next stage in the configuration is to grant manager access rights to the Zetafax Mail Gateway user for the Zetafax router database, Lotus Domino mail router database and the public address book.
To set the access rights for the Zetafax router database (FAX.NSF):
- In the Domino Administrator open the Zetafax router database (FAX.NSF). If you have any problems see the example below.

- Select 'File|Database|Access Control'. This will display the 'Access Control List' dialog as below:

- Click the 'Add.' button. This will display the 'Add User' dialog box. Click the icon representing a Lotus Domino user. This will display the 'Select Names' dialog box.
- At the top of the dialog, select the 'server's address book' from the dropdown list to display the Zetafax Gateway user you set up earlier. Highlight the user and click on 'Add > '.

- Click the 'OK' button to return to the Access Control List dialog box.

- In the Access Control List dialog box, select the Zetafax Gateway user and in the Attributes Access box select 'Manager' (as above).
- Click the 'Delete Documents' check box to select it.
- Click the 'OK' button to confirm these access rights.
To set the access rights for the Mail Router database (MAIL.BOX):
- In the Domino Administrator open the Mail Router database (MAIL.BOX). If you have any problems see the example below.

- Repeat steps 2 to 8 as above so that the Zetafax user also has Manager Access and Delete Documents on the MAIL.BOX database.
To set the access rights for the Domino Directory (NAMES.NSF):
- In the Domino Administrator open the Domino Directory (NAMES.NSF).
- Repeat steps 2 to 8 as with the last two sections so that the Zetafax user also has Manager Access and Delete Documents on the NAMES.NSF database.
Defining a foreign domain
Finally, you need to define a foreign domain in the Public Address book to serve as the gateway to the Zetafax Server. This will allow faxes sent from Notes to be forwarded to FAX.NSF.
- In the Domino Administrator client, click on the 'Configuration' tab in the tabs pane. Expand the 'Server' entry in the left-hand tasks pane, and then click on 'Configurations'.
- Go to the Create|Server|Domain menu. This will display the 'New Domain' screen, as below.

Note: If the Create menu is not visible, click on the blank space in the middle of the window to get the full menu.
- On the Basics tab select the Domain type 'Foreign Domain'. Enter the Foreign Domain Name as 'FAX' and enter a Domain description like 'Zetafax Gateway' as above.
- Click the 'Mail Information' tab. Enter the Gateway server name with the ServerName/CertifierName details, then in the Gateway mail file name, enter 'FAX.nsf' as below:

- It is not normally necessary to alter any of the other default settings when creating a new domain. Click 'Save & Close' then exit from the Domino Administrator. The domain is then ready to begin exchanging mail with Zetafax.
In order for the Zetafax email gateway to communicate with the Domino server. You must work through the following steps.
- Install the Lotus Notes client on the Zetafax server system.
- Run the Lotus Notes client program, it will prompt you to specify a user name ensuring that the 'Get registration ID from a file' check box on the initial login screen is selected. When prompted, browse to ID file for the Zetafax User you created earlier in this document. This will be located on the Domino server and will usually have the extension ID (e.g.
Testing the foreign domain
You have now completed all the necessary steps to configure Lotus Domino/Notes. Before proceeding to configure Zetafax, you should now test the FAX foreign domain.
- On a users system send a test message from a Lotus Notes user to the following recipient:
- On the Zetafax server system log on to a Lotus Notes client using the special Zetafax user you created earlier.
- Open FAX.NSF database. The message you sent will be in the Zetafax mail router database.
Install the Zetafax Mail gateway
Now that the Domino server and Notes have been configured, you must install the Zetafax Mail Gateway from the Zetafax product CD. First shut down the Zetafax Server service or application.
Insert the CD in the Zetafax server system, select the option to install the Zetafax Mail Gateway, and then work though the following steps.
- When prompted with the welcome screen Click 'Next' (As below)

- The default option should be 'Full Gateway Installation' click 'Next'.
- Confirm the destination folder (the default should be C:\ZFAX\mail) then click 'Next' and 'Next' again to start copying files.
- When prompted to step through the configuration click 'OK'. You will be presented with the following dialog box:

- Click 'Add Email.'. In the list of Available Drivers select 'Lotus Notes' then click 'Add> > ' then 'OK'.
- You will now be back to the 'Zetafax - Configuration options' dialog box. Click 'Configure.'
- Under 'E-Mail systems' select 'Lotus Notes' then click 'Setup'. The 'Lotus Notes Setup Service' dialog box will be displayed (as below).

- From here administrators can select the default coversheet that will be used for all submitted faxes from this Domino server.
- Enter the name of the Domino server then click 'Test Connection'. If the server and Notes client have been configured correctly then you will receive the following confirmation message.

- Click 'OK', then 'OK' again, you will now be back to the 'Zetafax - Configuration options' dialog box. Click 'Rendering.'
- In the list of 'Available Applications' select 'Microsoft Wordpad 1.0' click 'Install> > ' then click the 'Rendering' tab. Once presented with rendering options click the 'Applications' tab then 'OK' to exit from the rendering options dialog box.
Note: for more information on rendering applications, please refer to the Zetafax user manual.
- You will now be back to the 'Zetafax - Configuration options' dialog box. Click 'OK'. You will be prompted with the following option.

- Click 'Yes'. When prompted with 'Lotus Notes Import Service' enter the server and E-Mail Domain names of the Domino server then click 'OK' as below:

- Zetafax has now exported a list of current Domino users. You will be prompted to create new Zetafax users. At this point click 'No'. You will be prompted to enable users at this point, again click 'No'. The installation of the E-mail gateway is now complete.
Note: For more information on the different email user types within Zetafax, please refer to the Zetafax user guide.
- Start the Zetafax Configuration program (Start|Programs|Zetafax|Zetafax Configuration) then select 'Email gateway users' in Users and user groups.
- In the right hand side of the Zetafax configuration program right-click an email user and select 'Enable'. You will be prompted to specify either a 'Single shared account' or 'Private accounts'. Select 'Private accounts' then click 'OK'. Select a account name generation policy then click 'OK'. You should be presented with the following dialog box.

- Click 'OK' to create the Zetafax Email gateway user. You will need to do this for each Domino user you wish to use the Zetafax Email gateway.
- Once you have enabled all the users you wish to use Zetafax you need to restart the Zetafax serve
Installing the Zetafax Options
Updating the Lotus Notes templates
Users with older versions of Zetafax will need to download the latest FAXMAIL60.NTF from the Equisys ftp site using the following URL:
To install the Zetafax options for Lotus Notes:
- Run UPNOTES.EXE from the directory zfax\MAIL\MAILNOTES on the Zetafax Server machine.
- Amend the default values for the 'Address Book Templates' section as follows:
'Zetafax template': < zfax> \MAIL\MAILNOTES\ENU\FAXNAMES.NTF
'Template to be upgraded': < Domino server data folder> \PUBNAMES.NTF
- Amend the default values for the 'Mail File Templates' section as follows:
'Zetafax template': < zfax> \MAIL\MAILNOTES\ENU\FAXMAIL60.NTF
'Template to be upgraded': < Domino server data folder> \MAIL6.NTF
Where '< zfax> ' is the path to the Zetafax Server's base directory, and where < Domino server data folder> ' is your Domino server data directory, e.g. 'C:\Lotus\Domino\Data\'. FAXMAIL60.NTF is the Zetafax mail template file for Notes 6 and 6.5.
- Click on 'OK'. You will be reminded that you need to modify the templates manually as well, and then the necessary items will be added to both the templates.
Note: you may find that Upnotes.exe is unable to access the ntf files when the Domino server is running. If this is the case you can either try shutting down the Domino server while you do the update, or you can shut down the router - go to the Domino server console and type 'tell router quit'. Run the update then type 'load router'.
Modifying the mail template database
Once the template databases have been updated, you need to insert the Zetafax subforms and then refresh the database design or wait until Notes does its scheduled refresh.
- In the 'Domino Designer', open MAIL6.NTF.
- By default, the Memo form will be selected. Double-click on it to view its design.

- Place your cursor beneath the second instance of < Computed Subform> , then go to Create> Resource> InsertSubform, and select 'Zetafax Action'.

- Select File> Save.
- Right-click on the 'Mail (R6)' entry in the left-hand column, then select Refresh> Design. Select the server you are configuring, then click 'OK', and then 'Yes'.
- One you have updated the mail template database, every Notes user's mail database will need a design refresh. The best way of going about this depends on the details of your Domino server(s) installation. It may be sufficient to wait for the scheduled refresh to take place. Alternatively, there are a couple of ways of forcing a refresh.
- You can run the 'user upgrade wizard' to send every user an email which allows them to trigger an update - see the Notes help on 'upgrading Notes mail files' to see how to do this.
- You can trigger an update from the Domino admin console; run the Domino Administrator and select Live console and Enable. At the prompt, type tell router quit - the router will now stop processing mail. Now type in load convert -r mail\*.nsf * mail6.ntf. The console will now display the databases being converted. When this has completed, type in load router to start the router.
Modifying the public address book database template
- In the 'Domino Designer', open PUBNAMES.NTF.
- By default, the Person form will be selected. Double-click on it to view its design.

- Place your cursor below the Internet password field, double-click, then go to Create> Resource> Insert Subform, and select 'Zetafax Action'.

- Go to File> Save.
- Right-click on the 'Domino Directory' entry in the left-hand column, then select Refresh> Design. Select the server you are configuring, then click 'OK', and then 'Yes'.
After completion, verify that the Zetafax Default and People view are present. You will need to refresh each address book database manually or wait until Notes does its daily refresh.
ZTN1444-HOWTO: Configure Lotus Domino 6.5 with Zetafax 9
Last reviewed: 21 October 2005 (GC/EB)
Date Published: 1 Dec 2003 (GS/SV)