PRB: Zetadocs factbox fails to open or upload documents when Customer/Vendor names include quotation marks or apostrophes. ZTN4565 - PRB: Zetadocs factbox fails to open or upload documents when Customer/Vendor names include quotation marks or apostrophes.
PRB: Zetadocs Expenses report fails to export with error in logs: 'The authentication header received from the server was "NTLM". ' ZTN6017 - PRB: Zetadocs Expenses report fails to export with error in logs: 'The authentication header received from the server was "NTLM". '
PRB: "There is no user in the Expenses system for this Microsoft Work or School Account. Contact your System Administrator" error appears when attempting to log in to Expenses Administration site ZTN6016 - PRB: "There is no user in the Expenses system for this Microsoft Work or School Account. Contact your System Administrator" error appears when attempting to log in to Expenses Administration site