INFO: What's New in version 4.2 of Zetadocs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV ZTN4133 - INFO: What's New in version 4.2 of Zetadocs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
HOWTO: Perform an upgrade from version 4.1 to 4.2 of Zetadocs for NAV ZTN4134 - HOWTO: Perform an upgrade from version 4.1 to 4.2 of Zetadocs for NAV
FIX: Customer / Vendor / Debtor / Creditor rule does not allow email addresses with special characters in Zetadocs for GP ZTN4127 - FIX: Customer / Vendor / Debtor / Creditor rule does not allow email addresses with special characters in Zetadocs for GP
FIX: Last email recipient in TO field gets dropped ZTN4128 - FIX: Last email recipient in TO field gets dropped
PRB: Zetafax Server EPSTIFF incorrectly renders postscript submit files as plain text ZTN1859 - PRB: Zetafax Server EPSTIFF incorrectly renders postscript submit files as plain text
FIX: Archiving from Zetadocs for GP to SharePoint fails when using a Company Name that contains a comma ZTN4126 - FIX: Archiving from Zetadocs for GP to SharePoint fails when using a Company Name that contains a comma
PRB: Zetafax Server does not retry failed faxes when using a CAPI device ZTN1858 - PRB: Zetafax Server does not retry failed faxes when using a CAPI device