Switching to the “New Payment Card Experience” in Zetadocs Expenses
Discover a simpler & easier way of managing corporate credit card expenses
The September 2020 update of Zetadocs Expenses greatly enhances the user experience for those using the solution to manage their corporate credit card expenses.
The improvements will benefit both your cardholder employees and your finance team, by introducing a new workflow for processing your corporate credit card expenses – one that is easier, more efficient and intuitive to use.
To help you manage the changeover to this new experience, we've introduced a “New Payment Card Experience” setting – that you can enable yourself once you've notified the cardholders of the enhancements.
What’s new?
For Cardholders:
- A “New card payments” view – Cardholders can now see their payments within the Zetadocs Expenses app via a new filtered view, making it easier and quicker for them to justify their card expenses. For any cardholders who prefer to see their new card payments appear in the draft expenses view, there is a new setting available which they can enable to achieve this
- Create new expenses from payment transactions – Cardholders can now quickly and easily create a new expense from the payment transaction. Payment information such as the vendor, amount, date and currency are automatically populated on the new expense – saving time and reducing the likelihood of mistakes occurring. For those cardholders who choose to create draft expenses prior to the payment transaction appearing in the Zetadocs Expenses app, it is very quick for them to match a payment transaction to a draft expense at a later stage
- One simple way to submit all payment expenses for approval – Cardholders can now submit their corporate credit card expenses for approval using an Expense Report, in exactly the same way as they do for any other reimbursable expenses they incur. This simplifies the process for cardholders who previously needed to justify their corporate card expenses in a different way using a Payment Card Report
For finance teams:
- Rapid reconciliation of card statements – Finance teams can now reconcile statements much quicker, since they can focus on the exceptions, i.e. those payments not matched to an approved expense, as opposed to going line-by-line through all the payments. This is possible because cardholders are now required to justify all their payments by matching them to an approved expense
- A better experience when using Payment Card Reports – There are improvements to the way Payment Card Reports can be used for statement reconciliation that are designed to make the process more efficient and user friendly:
- The report is owned by finance – For those companies who require all payments to be approved first by a line manager, the Payment Card Report is now always owned by a processor in finance. This gives the finance team more control over the reconciliation process and is simpler for cardholders – who can now use an Expense Report to get all their payment expenses approved
- Approve any missing expenses – For any payments shown on a Payment Card Report as not matched to an approved expense, if needed the finance team can now quickly match these to a new expense and approve themselves using the Payment Card Report, instead of needing to create separate Expense Reports to do this
How to switch now?
To start benefiting from the New Payment Card Experience now, your Zetadocs Expenses administrator simply needs to enable the setting highlighted below in the System Settings:

Once enabled by your administrator, the New Payment Card Experience will be available to all your Zetadocs Expenses users.
The above is now enabled by default on all new Zetadocs Expenses accounts, meaning all new customers will automatically benefit from this new user experience.
In the coming months, this new user experience will be enabled automatically on all existing Zetadocs Expenses accounts – the timing of this is to be confirmed, however we will let you know in advance of this happening.
To find out more…
If you would like know more about the New Payment Card Experience, you can view the Zetadocs Expenses online help, which includes quick-start videos on matching new card payments to expenses and administering payment card expenses. We would be delighted to answer any questions that you have, so please feel free to get in touch via our support teams if needed.
If you are not yet using Zetadocs Expenses and would like to know more, feel free to browse the Zetadocs Expenses section of our website and please don’t hesitate to contact us directly or speak to your Dynamics partner to discuss your requirements further.