PRB: No coversheets or letterheads are available when sending a fax from Outlook 2003
ID: ZTN1879
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
When sending a fax from Outlook there are a number of options available. These include adding a coversheet or letterhead to the fax.
With the Outlook 2003 extensions it is possible for the lists of coversheets and letterheads to be blank as shown in the image below:

This problem is caused because the Outlook extensions are not able to find the Zetafax Server and so are not able to get the lists.
When the Zetafax Client connects to the Zetafax Server it caches the server name in a configuration file. The Outlook extensions then read the configuration file to find out the name of the Zetafax Server. If it cannot find the value in the configuration file, it does not know where the Zetafax Server is and so cannot get the lists of coversheets and letterheads.
It is possible for the configuration file not to be updated even if the Zetafax Client has been opened. This is because the file is locked while Outlook is open, so if Outlook was opened before the Zetafax Client, the configuration would not be updated correctly.
To resolve the problem please follow the steps below:
- Close Outlook.
- Launch Zetafax Client.
- Select the required Zetafax Server and log in.
- Close the Zetafax Client.
- Launch Outlook.
- Create a new fax message. The coversheets and letterheads should now be available.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 5th March 2012 (JW/MW)
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