Payment Card Types
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Note: This help is applicable for all editions of Zetadocs expenses. Where features are only available they are marked according to the table below.
1 - This option is only available in the Essentials and Plus editions.
2 - This option is only available in the Plus edition.
A Payment Card Type specifies the settings which are used for all your corporate payment cards of a given type. You will typically need to configure one Payment Card Type for your bank card issuer/card type (e.g. HSBC Visa).
A Payment Card Type should be created prior to configuring Payment Method(s) for each of your corporate credit cards.
Creating and Managing
Create new Payment Card Types using the Add New Card Type button.
oManage Payment Card Types via the
icon located to the right of the list.
The unique name given to the payment method.
Display Name
The name of the payment card type as it is to be displayed to the submitter in the app.
Integration Method
Select how payment card transactions will be imported into Zetadocs Expenses:
Bank Feed - Choose this option to import payment card transactions automatically via a daily bank feed.
Note: The “bank feed” integration method supports most AMEX, Mastercard and Visa card types. You will need to ask your payment card provider to set up a data feed for your credit card account, so that Zetadocs Expenses automatically receives daily files (using secure file transfer protocol) containing a list of payments that have been made on the credit card(s). Please contact us for information about the set up of a new bank feed.
TrueLayer online access - Choose this option to import payment card transactions automatically using the TrueLayer Open Banking service.
Note: This option is currently only available to UK customers using a credit account, and those whose bank is subscribed to the TrueLayer Open Banking service. You can find more information about which banks have subscribed here.
File import - Choose this option to manually import the transactions for each statement period into Zetadocs Expenses using a CSV file (as provided by your bank). More details on this process can be found in the Administering Payment Card Expenses section.
Additional notes relating to the payment card type can be entered here. These notes will not be visible anywhere else in the system.
To allow Zetadocs Expenses to access your payment card statement data, you must tap the Select Account button. You will then need to follow the TrueLayer authentication setup process that will request your internet banking credentials to be entered.
Note: This only needs to be done once for the Payment Card Type. However, authentication will need verifying again after the Authentication Expiry period (90-days).
Shows the TrueLayer authentication status.
"OK" - TrueLayer integration is successfully set up.
"Error - Unable to authenticate, please try again" - The TrueLayer integration has failed. You will need to start the authentication setup process again.
Authentication Expiry
For security reasons, the Truelayer authentication requires re-establishing after a period of 90 days. The date and time shown here is when the current authentication period will expire.
Import File Format
Specifies the format of the transaction import file for payment cards of this type.
Custom format – This is the recommended option that enables you to import your transactions using a copy of the card statement, as supplied by your bank in CSV format.
When selecting this option, you will need to provide some information about the format of the CSV statements you will be importing by tapping the Configure Format button. This is because the format of CSV statements varies for different banks and is something a bank may occasionally change.
Please refer to Transaction Import Format for details on how to configure a custom CSV import format (based on the format the statement CSV file provided by your bank).
There are several other legacy formats that may be selected:
oStandard Format AM1 oStandard Format AP1 oStandard Format BC1 oStandard Format HS1 oStandard Format LB1 oStandard Format NW1 oStandard Format RB1 Further details on currently supported file formats can be found here.
Enabling / Disabling
oBy default, any disabled payment methods are hidden from the list. This ensures the list remains 'current'. However, you can include these in the list by placing a tick in the Include Disabled Payment Card Types check box..
oPayment Card Types can be disabled via the Enable / Disable toggle.
Changing the Display Order
oPayment Card Types can also be promoted / demoted in the list by dragging the
icon located to the left of the payment card type.
oUse the Save button to save the list order. This order is then used in all Payment Card Type drop down selectors.